Home > Organizational Culture > Getting too “Customer Friendly”?
  1. June 28, 2012 at 3:41 am

    It is a lucid and message-loaded post. Those observations are worth internalising. I recently read a report in the Forbes magazine that opined that being customer-centric to the point of a flaw could well toll the bells of death for the Indian poster-boy start up Flupkart.com. It is sad, since we rarely get two hoots from the companies once we have purchased a product from them. This is the point usually where thair radar drops us for good.

    • JayadevM
      June 28, 2012 at 8:08 pm

      Hi Umashankar

      I guess you are responding from a new ID – can’t see any other reason for the message reaching the Spam folder.

      Did the Forbes say that being customer-centric will be detrimental? Wonder whether it has to do with the methods adopted? Yes, usually companies pay short-shrift to customers’ concerns.

    • JayadevM
      June 28, 2012 at 9:00 pm

      Hi Umashankar

      I couldn’t read the Forbes story online – but read a lot of follow-up stories by bloggers and one on the Forbes website too. I don’t think any company has ever turned turtle by giving customers value-for-money and good service. Its about getting the rest of their act together .. working out the business model, bringing in business, managing resources and so on.

      The CEO of Flipkart didn’t bother to refute the Forbes journalist’s views on the subject; but that does not mean anything because the report is only an opinion and not fact. Let’s wish Flipkart the very best and I hope they continue the tradition of good service

  2. bikramadittya
    June 28, 2012 at 4:53 am

    Absolute truth!

    • JayadevM
      June 28, 2012 at 5:00 am

      Thank you, Bikram!

  3. June 28, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Hey, Please recover my comment from your Spam folder! I am feeling so demotivated for it being gone there. 😦

    • JayadevM
      June 28, 2012 at 7:47 pm

      Hi Umashankar

      How can your comment go to the spam folder? Your comments always appear in the Approved list.

      Don’t want to get my regular reader discouraged .. so I shall check the Spam folder pronto and give it trash!! 🙂

  4. Jamy
    June 30, 2012 at 5:53 am

    Incredibly relevant topic Jay! Over the past 7 years I have developed friendly and long-standing relationships with many of my guests who are now very good friends, but the best part is that it all started when I made things easy for them by taking care of their special requests and customising their vacations to suit, planning things for them in advance and making sure that they had a smooth full guest cycle from pre- arrival to departure. Word-of-mouth is an amazing phenomenon and that got me linked to so many wonderful people whom I could be of service by virtue of what I do for a living. Like you rightly mentioned, the priority should always be to provide the customer the product or service that they are looking for and let them guide you along initially. It is important for the service provider to know how to read the signs- moods, emotions and intent of the customer and act accordingly. You can then decide what exactly is the best way to try and relate to the guest without letting your guard down or jeopardising your company’s image and good name which is what you are representing on top of everything else. In my case, all these guests who are now friends or very good acquaintances started trusting me only after I provided them with the right service and made them comfortable as the perfect host and ambassador for the company I represented. So, there you go.. my piece Jay!

    • JayadevM
      June 30, 2012 at 6:15 am

      As usual, great value-add to the theme of my article.

      Thank you, Jamy!

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